Who Are We?

We Are NS Early Childhood Development intervention Services (ECDIS)

NS Early Childhood Development Intervention Services (ECDIS) provide province-wide specialized services to families of young children between birth and school entry, who either have a biological risk for or a diagnosis of, developmental delay. Consultation, information, support and services designed to meet the individual needs of each child and family are delivered in the child’s home and may extend to community based programs. Services emphasize the enhancement of skills and abilities through planned interactions to promote child development and family capacity.

NS Early Childhood Development Intervention Services are offered in 8 regions across the province within 28 locations.

Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services (NSECDIS) is a registered non-profit charitable organization, funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

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What is Early Childhood Development Intervention?

The goal of Early Childhood Development Intervention Services is to promote improved developmental outcomes for children through consultation, coaching, information sharing, support and services designed to meet the individual needs of the child and family.

Children learn best with people they know and in the places they spend most of their time. Early Intervention professionals help families build on the things they do every day to support their child’s learning and development in order to reach their goals for their child.<br>At NSECDIS we use a Routine-Based Early Intervention Model. This is a unique team approach to early intervention that supports the whole family, and not only the child, throughout their daily routines. Routines are natural activities that happen regularly (such as getting dressed and mealtimes) and provide the best learning opportunities for young children to gain and improve skills. This is because routines are repetitive, predictable, functional, and meaningful. Children with additional developmental needs learn best in their natural environments such as at home or in the community.

Early intervention professionals, known as Developmental Interventionists, use coaching techniques to develop the skills, knowledge, competencies and confidence of parents and caregivers so that they are able to provide learning opportunities that will improve their child’s development. The real magic of intervention comes from the repeated learning opportunities embedded into a child’s daily activities and the interactions they have with those around them each day.

For Familes

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Our History

We have a long history in Nova Scotia beginning in the 1970’s.

Our Board of Directors

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Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services is governed by a dedicated volunteer Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors provide the administrative and financial framework to guide the program and ensure accountability for quality services to families and early learning and child care providers.

Meet Our Team

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Join our team

Become an instructor & share your experience!

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Annual Reports, Survey & Research Documents

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Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
Annual Report
2022 Annual Report