
Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services

Our services are available through over 30 locations provincewide in Nova Scotia.

NSECDIS provides early childhood intervention and support services to families of young children & practice- based coaching support to early learning and child care providers in Nova Scotia.

There is no fee for our services.

Working Alongside Families

NS Early Childhood Development Intervention Services (NSECDIS) provide family centred, province-wide specialized services to families of young children between birth and school entry, who are experiencing delays or difficulties in their development, or who have a medical condition (biological risk) that may impact their development. Services are delivered in families’ homes and within community-based programs such as child care.

  • Information to support your child’s development
  • Connections to services in your community
  • Home visiting services
  • Service coordination and program planning for your child and family
  • Consultation to child care and other community programs
  • Assistance with your child’s transition to Pre-primary and school

Learn More About Us

Hear firsthand from our staff and the families we serve across Nova Scotia as they share their experiences with NSECDIS services.

How to Refer a Child to NSECDIS

If you are concerned about your child’s development:

Referrals can be made directly by the family, or on behalf of the family with their consent.

Eligibility for services is determined through an initial screening process and home visit. The eligibility criteria for services, includes a developmental delay in two or more areas of development or a risk for developmental delay based on documented biological risk factors.

If you have a question about NSECDIS services or would like to discuss your referral, please contact us:

info@nsecdis.ca or call
(toll-free) 1-844-292-6730.

Working Alongside Early Learning & Child Care Providers

We facilitate early learning & child care program and educator capacity building through the delivery of program coaching and practice based coaching in child care and Pre-primary program settings, utilizing the Pyramid Model. The Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development.

Join Our Team

Work with us and share your experience!

Interested in a rewarding career that focuses on improving child, family and educator outcomes? With over 30 locations across Nova Scotia, we offer opportunities for engaging experiences supporting children, families and early learning and child care professionals.

At NSECDIS we have a comprehensive package of benefits that include competitive salaries, flexible work arrangements, RRSP contributions and more.

More About Us

Watch Our Video

Our services are available province-wide in Nova Scotia through over 30 locations, and there is no fee for our services. Watch our video to learn more about who we are and what we do.