Who Are We?
Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services (NSECDIS)
Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services (NSECDIS) provide province-wide specialized services to families of young children between birth and school entry, who either have a biological risk for or a diagnosis of, developmental delay. Consultation, information, support, and services designed to meet individual needs of each child and family are delivered in the child’s home and may be extended to community-based programs. Services emphasize the enhancement of skills and ability through planned interactions to promote child development and family capacity.
Through the implementation of the Pyramid Model program, NSECDIS also facilitates program and early childhood educator capacity building through Program and practice-based coaching within child care and Pre-primary program settings. The Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development.

Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services (NSECDIS) is a registered non-profit charitable organization, funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
For Families
What is Early Childhood Development Intervention?
The goal of Early Childhood Development Intervention Services is to promote improved developmental outcomes for children through consultation, coaching, information sharing, support and services designed to meet the individual needs of the child and family.
Children learn best with people they know and in the places they spend most of their time. Early Intervention professionals help families build on the things they do every day to support their child’s learning and development in order to reach their goals for their child. At NSECDIS we use a Routine-Based Early Intervention Model. This is a unique team approach to early intervention that supports the whole family, and not only the child, throughout their daily routines. Routines are natural activities that happen regularly (such as getting dressed and mealtimes) and provide the best learning opportunities for young children to gain and improve skills. This is because routines are repetitive, predictable, functional, and meaningful. Children with additional developmental needs learn best in their natural environments such as at home or in the community.
Early intervention professionals, known as Developmental Interventionists, use coaching techniques to develop the skills, knowledge, competencies and confidence of parents and caregivers so that they are able to provide learning opportunities that will improve their child’s development. The real magic of intervention comes from the repeated learning opportunities embedded into a child’s daily activities and the interactions they have with those around them each day.
We Believe:
- Children learn best in their natural environments where skills can be repeated and practiced daily within routines.
- Families have the strongest influence on their child’s development.
- Positive change occurs in the context of responsive caring relationships.
- Everyone has potential and it is their unique strengths and capabilities that will determine their evolving story.
- Effective change is a collaborative, inclusive and active process.
We Commit To:
- Provide Services which promote families and their communities as effective, informed decision makers, caregivers, educators, and advocates for children with developmental delays.
- Engage in Teamwork internally & externally to create a supportive environment in which to achieve successful service delivery.
- Achieve and maintain an Image of being a valued and respected member of a continuum of services for children with developmental delays and their families.
- Achieve organized Growth & Innovation in response to the changing needs of the community.
- Measured Accountability to our stakeholders, resulting in a clear understanding of our service outcomes.
Our Board of Directors
Nova Scotia Early Childhood Development Intervention Services is governed by a dedicated volunteer Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors provide the administrative and financial framework to guide the program and ensure accountability for quality services to families and early learning and child care providers.
Bev Cook - Chair
Chignecto Central Region
(Retired – Department of Community Services)
Kirk Schmidt – Vice Chair
Chignecto Central Region
(Vice President, AL-PRO
Wind Energy Consulting Canada)
Krista Thibault – Treasurer
Halifax Region
(Director of Finance, Sisters of Charity)
Debra Sundstrom - Secretary
Annapolis Valley Region
(Retired – Itinerant Teacher APSEA)
Dr. Normand Carrey - Director
Halifax Region
(Child Psychiatrist, IWK Health Centre)
Lyse Anne LeBlanc - Director
SAF Region
(Early Childhood Education Consultant, Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial)
Chrissi Lynch – Director
Strait Region
(Retired – Coordinator, Student Services, SRCE)
Rayo Owoyomi – Director
(Assistant Manager, Pre-primary and
Early Years Programs)
Janean Marshall- Director
Cape Breton Victoria Region
(Director of Academic Services – Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey)
Cornelia Melville - Director
Tri-County Region
(Child Psychologist, NSHA)
Shirley Shot – Director
South Shore Region
(Retired – Nurse and Facilitator of Community Development)
Jane Cawley – Director
Halifax Region
(Education Consultant)
Dr. Megan Thomas- Director
Halifax Region
(Developmental Pediatrician, IWK Health Centre)
Derek Verge – Director
Strait Region
(Retired Chartered Professional Accountant)
Erin Lamond – Director
Halifax Region
(Manager, Hearing & Speech NS)
Mirna Yazji – Director
Chignecto Central Region
(Business Owner, The Spot Pub & Grill)
Pyramid Model
Provincial Leadership Team 2024-25
The Provincial Leadership Team (PLT) is a collaborative team of Nova Scotia early years stakeholders who serve in an advisory capacity to NSECDIS to support best practice recommendations for the implementation of the Pyramid Model program in Nova Scotia.
Jill Piers
Manager,Pre-Primary Operations,
Department of Education & Early Childhood Development DEECD
Patricia Monaghan
Executive Director, NS Early Childhood Development Intervention Services NSECDIS
Stephanie Geldart
PLT Coordinator
Data Management Specialist, NSECDIS
Marla Smith
PLT Coordinator
Data Management Specialist, NSECDIS
Jessie-Lee McIsaac
Evaluation Lead
Canada Research Chair in Early Childhood: Diversity and Transitions, Early Childhood Collaborative Research Centre ECCRC
Shari Ridgewell
Founding PLT Member
ECE Consultant,Community Member
Barbara Kaiser
PLT Member
Co-author Challenging Behavior in Young Children and Addressing Challenging Behavior: The Leader’s Role
Kim Reyno-Briscoe
PLT Member
Autism Consultant, Student Services & Equity Branch, DEECD
Andrea Bullerwell
PLT Member
Director of Childcare Services, BGC Yarmouth
Jenna Arsenault
PLT Member
Manager, ELCC Consulting Services, DEECD
Jennifer Cumming
PLT Member
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, IWK Health
Trina Fraser
PLT Member
Executive Director, East Preston Day Care
Jane Williamson
PLT Member
Directrice générale, le petit voilier
Angela Fitzgerald
PLT Member
Coach Team Lead, NSECDIS
To find a member of our NSECDIS team, please visit our staff directory.
Join Our Team
Make a difference in the lives of young children!
Interested in a rewarding career that focuses on improving child, family and educator outcomes? With over 30 locations across Nova Scotia, we offer opportunities for engaging experiences supporting children, families and early learning and child care professionals.
At NSECDIS we have a comprehensive package of benefits that include competitive salaries, flexible work arrangements, RRSP contributions and more.