Our People
More than 150 dedicated professionals in over 30 locations across Nova Scotia
Looking for a member of our team?
Use the helpful directory below. The Staff Directory is organized by region and our various locations within the regions. Within each location, staff are organized alphabetically with each staff member’s title, email and phone number noted for easy access.
For information about each of our locations including addresses, please visit our Locations Page.
Staff Directory
- Jacqueline
- Allen
- Developmental Interventionist
- Truro
- Jallen@nsecdis.ca
- 902-305-6559
- Kathleen
- Armstrong
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sackville
- Karmstrong@nsecdis.ca
- 902-830-2319
- Amanda
- Avery
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sackville
- Aavery@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-5880
- Jillian
- Aylward
- Inclusion Coach
- Halifax
- Jaylward@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0701
- Alyssa
- Babin
- (she/her/elle)
- Gestionnaire de dossiers
- Halifax
- Ababin@nsecdis.ca
- 902-209-2687
- Maria
- Babin-Cleary
- Intervenante en développement
- Antigonish
- Mbabin@nsecdis.ca
- 902-318-3707
- Sonya
- Beaudry
- Inclusion Coach
- Truro
- Sbeaudry@nsecdis.ca
- 902-305-6553
- Cassandra
- Beck
- Inclusion Coach
- Bridgewater
- Cbeck@nsecdis.ca
- 902-298-2950
- April
- Bennett
- Administrative Assistant
- Sackville
- Abennett@nsecdis.ca
- 902-864-5251
- Jaime
- Berseth
- (she/her)
- Learning and Development Specialist
- Central Office
- Jberseth@nsecdis.ca
- 902-423-8010
- Melanie
- Bigelow
- Developmental Interventionist
- Kentville
- Mbigelow@nsecdis.ca
- 782-232-1105
- Allison
- Bishop
- Intervenante en développement
- Cheticamp
- abishop@nsecdis.ca
- 786-236-3305
- Bernadette
- Borden
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sydney
- Bborden@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-0149
- Joy
- Boudreau
- Assistante Administrative
- Tusket
- Jboudreau@nsecdis.ca
- 902-648-4115
- Alicia
- Boutilier
- Inclusion Coach
- Halifax
- On Leave
- Alicia
- Boutilier
- Inclusion Coach
- Halifax
- Aboutilier@nsecdis.ca
- 902-423-8575
- Kim
- Boyce
- Developmental Interventionist
- Millbrook
- Kboyce@nsecdis.ca
- 902-305-6557
- Johanna
- Braganza
- (she/her)
- Administrative Assistant
- Halifax
- Jbraganza@nsecdis.ca
- 902-423-8575
- Jen
- Briand
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dartmouth
- Jbriand@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0706
- Holly
- Brogan
- Regional Director
- Dartmouth
- hbrogan@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0851
- Andrea
- Brown
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Bridgewater
- Abrown@nsecdis.ca
- 902-212-0326
- Elaine
- Cadieux
- Inclusion Coach
- Halifax
- On Leave
- Lara
- Campbell
- Inclusion Coach
- Lawrencetown
- Lcampbell@nsecdis.ca
- 782-232-0407
- Ashley
- Campbell McNamara
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dominion
- Acampbellmcnamara@nsecdis.ca
- 902-849-3429
- Laura
- Coish
- (she/her)
- Inclusion Coach
- Halifax
- Lcoish@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-5871
- Arielle
- Comeau
- (she/her/elle)
- Mentor Pour L'Inclusion
- Halifax
- acomeau@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-3511
- Shauna
- Corbett
- Regional Administrative Assistant
- Liverpool
- Scorbett@nsecdis.ca
- 902-354-5890
- Reta
- Cream
- Developmental Interventionist
- Truro
- Rcream@nsecdis.ca
- 902-305-6548
- Joanne
- Croft
- (she/her)
- Inclusion Coach
- Bridgewater
- jcroft@nsecdis.ca
- 902-298-4156
- Barbara
- Crouse
- (she/her)
- Regional Director
- Kentville
- Bcrouse@nsecdis.ca
- 902-678-6111
- Danielle
- Cumben
- Developmental Interventionist
- Lawrencetown
- Dcumben@nsecdis.ca
- 782-232-5980
- Ghislaine
- d'Eon
- Directrice des Services aux Acadiens et aux Francophones
- Tusket
- Gdeon@nsecdis.ca
- 902-307-2469
- Keira
- Dacey
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sipekne'katik
- Kdacey@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-0271
- Jessica
- Dart
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sackville
- Jdart@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-5869
- Jessica
- DeMille
- (she/her)
- Inclusion Coach
- Yarmouth
- Jdemille@nsecdis.ca
- 902-307-2853
- Tracy
- DesChamp
- Regional Director
- Shelburne
- Tdeschamp@nsecdis.ca
- 902-875-4067
- Valerie
- Donovan
- Regional Director
- Dominion
- Vdonovan@nsecdis.ca
- 902-849-3429
- Lisa
- Downey
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- Ldowney@nsecdis.ca
- 902-802-5210
- Michele
- Dykeman
- (she/her)
- Executive Assistant
- Central Office
- EA@nsecdis.ca
- 902-423-8010 x 2
- Juliane
- Eibner
- Acting Caseload Manager
- Dartmouth
- Jeibner@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0708
- Jillian
- Eisener
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dartmouth
- jeisener@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-6784
- Nicole
- Ellis
- Inclusion Coach
- Yarmouth
- Nellis@nsecdis.ca
- 902-307-2857
- Angela
- Fitzgerald
- Coach Team Lead
- Truro
- Afitzgerald@nsecdis.ca
- 902-843-1330
- Meaghan
- Forster Raymond
- Developmental Interventionist
- Digby
- Mforsterraymond@nsecdis.ca
- 902-247-5128
- Stephanie
- Geldart
- (She/Her)
- Data Management Specialist ( Pyramid Model)
- Central Office
- On Leave
- Jenny
- Gillis
- Positive Solutions for Families (PSF) Coordinator
- Central Office
- Jgillis@nsecdis.ca
- 902-209-0796
- Angela
- Ginnish
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sydney
- aginnish@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0849
- Ashley
- Govan
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sackville
- Agovan@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-5875
- Jean-Francois
- Grenier
- Mentor Pour L'Inclusion
- Sydney
- Jgrenier@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-7437
- Valerie
- Gullison-Surette
- Developmental Interventionist
- Yarmouth
- Vgullisonsurette@nsecdis.ca
- 902-307-2847
- Sheena
- Hardy
- Caseload Manager/ Community Liason
- Eskasoni
- Shardy@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-0458
- Jane
- Harley
- Program Evaluation Coordinator
- Central Office
- Jharley@nsecdis.ca
- 902-305-6545
- Mac
- Hawco
- Inclusion Coach
- Amherst
- Chawco@nsecdis.ca
- 782 773 4924
- Lisa
- Hennigar
- (she/her)
- Inclusion Coach
- Kentville
- On Leave
- Leanne
- Hillier
- she/her
- Developmental Interventionist
- Antigonish
- Lhillier@nsecdis.ca
- 902 318-5852
- Teresa
- Huskilson
- Developmental Interventionist
- Shelburne
- Thuskilson@nsecdis.ca
- 782-776-0967
- Jessica
- Hutchison
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dominion
- On Leave
- Kate
- Jacobs
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Kentville
- Kjacobs@nsecdis.ca
- 782-232-0409
- Lauren
- Janssen
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dartmouth
- Ljanssen@nsecdis.ca
- 902-305-6552
- Sarah
- Jean
- Developmental Interventionist
- Kentville
- sjean@nsecdis.ca
- 782 774-3508
- Erin
- Jolly
- Director of Intervention Services
- Central Office
- Ejolly@nsecdis.ca
- 902-297-1478
- Sarah
- Jones
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Eskasoni
- Sjones@nsecdis.ca
- 902-209-5759
- Tahni
- Julian
- Developmental Interventionist
- Eskasoni
- tjulian@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0460
- Jennifer
- Kallies
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sipekne'katik
- Jkallies@nsecdis.ca
- 902-305-6556
- Jenn
- Kean
- Inclusion Coach
- Halifax
- Jkean@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0702
- Heather
- Kempton
- Regional Administrative Assistant
- Shelburne
- Hkempton@nsecdis.ca
- 902-875-4067
- Patti
- Kent
- Caseload Manager
- Sackville
- Pkent@nsecdis.ca
- 782 774 5878
- Celina
- Kinnear
- Developmental Interventionist
- Amherst
- Ckinnear@nsecdis.ca
- 782-232-5981
- Lauren
- Konning
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dartmouth
- Lkonning@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0709
- Keli
- Laganse
- (she/they)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Bridgewater
- Klaganse@nsecdis.ca
- 902-298-4392
- Jess
- Henman
- Intervenante en développement
- Halifax
- Jhenman@nsecdis.ca
- 902-830-9036
- Carol
- Langille
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Bridgewater
- Clangille@nsecdis.ca
- 902-212-1117
- Karen
- Larter
- (she/her)
- Human Resources Generalist
- Central Office
- HR@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-5867
- Kayla
- Layes
- Regional Administrative Assistant
- Dartmouth
- Klayes@nsecdis.ca
- 902-423-2686
- Sarai
- Levy
- Inclusion Coach
- Kentville
- Slevy@nsecdis.ca
- 902-300-9873
- Jennifer
- Lewis
- Developmental Interventionist
- Kentville
- Jlewis@nsecdis.ca
- 782-232-3965
- Melissa
- Lewis
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dartmouth
- Mlewis@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0679
- Tracy
- Linehan
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- New Glasgow
- Tlinehan@nsecdis.ca
- 782-233-0046
- Anna
- Lopez-McLean
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- Amclean@nsecdis.ca
- 782-232-1144
- Denise
- Lowe
- (she/her)
- Regional Director
- Liverpool
- dlowe@nsecdis.ca
- 902-803-3649
- Tina
- Lutz
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Lawrencetown
- Tlutz@nsecdis.ca
- 902 955-0713
- Florence
- MacArthur
- Inclusion Coach
- Dartmouth
- fmacarthur@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0677
- Amy
- MacDonald
- (she/her)
- Inclusion Coach
- Truro
- On Leave
- Andrea
- MacDonald
- Inclusion Coach
- Halifax
- Amacdonald@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0703
- Darlene
- MacDonald
- Developmental Interventionist
- Eskasoni
- Dmacdonald@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-6152
- Hayley
- MacDonald
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Antigonish
- Hmacdonald@nsecdis.ca
- (902)-302-4589
- Kay
- MacDonald
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- kaymacdonald@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0673
- Lisa
- MacIntyre
- (she/her)
- Coach Team Lead
- Sydney
- Lmacintyre@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-7269
- Chloe
- MacIsaac
- (she/her)
- Caseload Manager
- Halifax
- Cmacisaac@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0710
- Katie
- MacIsaac-Mattie
- (she/her)
- Regional Administrative Assistant
- Antigonish
- Kmacisaacmattie@nsecdis.ca
- 902-863-2298
- Kristine
- MacKenzie
- Developmental Interventionist
- Baddeck
- Kmackenzie@nsecdis.ca
- 782-235-1279
- Siobhan
- MacLean-Pye
- (she/her)
- Caseload Manager
- Sydney
- Smacleanpye@nsecdis.ca
- 902-567-0991 ext 1
- Emily
- MacLeod
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- Emacleod@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-3141
- Melissa
- MacLeod
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sydney
- Mmacleod@nsecdis.ca
- 902-567-0991 ext 5
- Hannah
- MacNeil
- (she/her)
- Regional Director
- New Glasgow
- Hmacneil@nsecdis.ca
- 902 301-9008
- Holly
- MacNeil
- Developmental Interventionist
- Truro
- Hollymacneil@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0234
- Catherine
- MacNevin
- Administrative Assistant
- New Glasgow/Truro
- Cmacnevin@nsecdis.ca
- 902-305-6547
- Tammy
- MacPhee
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dominion
- On Leave
- Cindy
- MacQuarrie
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- Cmacquarrie@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0674
- Patsy
- Magliaro
- (she/her)
- Administrative Assistant
- Sydney
- Pmagliaro@nsecdis.ca
- 902-567-0991 ext 0
- Rita
- Mansour
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- Rmansour@nsecdis.ca
- 902-830-6403
- Rhonda
- McNutt
- Developmental Interventionist
- Truro
- rmcnutt@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0694
- Andrea
- Meekins
- (she/her)
- Caseload Manager
- Amherst
- Ameekins@nsecdis.ca
- 782-773-8977
- Olivia
- Melnick
- (she/her)
- Regional Director
- Port Hawkesbury
- Omelnick@nsecdis.ca
- 902-625-0396
- Carrie
- Melsom
- (she/her)
- Coach Team Lead
- Halifax
- Cmelsom@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0697
- Alexandra
- Michel
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Kentville
- Amichel@nsecdis.ca
- 782-232-4032
- Jeanetta
- Millen
- Developmental Interventionist
- New Glasgow
- Jmillen@nsecdis.ca
- 902-301-2064
- Kholbi
- Mills
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- New Glasgow
- Kmills@nsecdis.ca
- 782-233-4284
- Patricia
- Monaghan
- (she/her)
- Executive Director
- Central Office
- 902-423-8010 x 1
- Beverly
- Murphy-Goodwin
- Mentor Pour L'Inclusion
- Tusket
- Bmurphy-goodwin@nsecdis.ca
- 902-307-2786
- Kathleen
- Murray
- Inclusion Coach
- Halifax
- Kmurray@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-5872
- Molly
- Murray
- (she/her)
- Communications Specialist and Data Management Specialist ( Pyramid Model)
- Central Office
- Mmurray@nsecdis.ca
- 902-210-1857
- Marly
- Nauss
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- Mnauss@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0685
- Tracey
- Neary
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dominion
- Tneary@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-2873
- Samantha
- Nowen
- Developmental Interventionist
- Port Hawkesbury
- snowen@nsecdis.ca
- 902-302-4630
- Lori-Ann
- Nunn
- (she/her)
- Accounting Administrator
- Central Office
- 902-423-8010 x 3
- Rachelle
- O’Keefe
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sackville
- Rokeefe@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0684
- Karen
- O'Connell
- (she/her)
- Inclusion Coach
- Truro
- Koconnell@nsecdis.ca
- 902-305-6554
- Janice
- Oickle-Potyondy
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sackville
- Jpotyondy@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-5874
- Nicole
- Overmars
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Antigonish
- Novermars@nsecdis.ca
- 902-318-2394
- Anne Marie
- Pearle
- Administrative Assistant
- Lawrencetown
- Apearle@nsecdis.ca
- 902-584-2000
- Kerri
- Pirie
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dartmouth
- Kpirie@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0678
- Brandie
- Pottie
- Developmental Interventionist
- Port Hawkesbury
- Bpottie@nsecdis.ca
- 902 302-4789
- Tori
- Power
- Inclusion Coach
- Sydney
- Tpower@nsecdis.ca
- (902) 304-0912
- Delaney
- Randall
- Intervenante en développement
- Tusket
- Drandall@nsecdis.ca
- 902-307-2781
- Theresa
- Ransome
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- Transome@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0672
- Madison
- Richard
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- mrichard@nsecdis.ca
- (902) 955-0767
- Nicole
- Roach
- (she/her)
- Coach Team Lead
- Bridgewater
- Nroach@nsecdis.ca
- 902-298-4307
- Karen
- Roberts
- Developmental Interventionist
- Guysborough
- Kmhroberts@nsecdis.ca
- 902 318-2425
- Tina
- Rose
- Regional Administrative Assistant
- Amherst
- Trose@nsecdis.ca
- 782-773-4923
- Amine
- Saidi
- IT Coordinator
- Central Office
- IT@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0705
- Vera
- Sampson
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dartmouth
- Vsampson@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-7270
- Lisa
- Smith
- Developmental Interventionist
- New Glasgow
- Lsmith@nsecdis.ca
- 782-233-3357
- Marla
- Smith
- Data Management Specialist (Early Intervention)
- Central Office
- Msmith@nsecdis.ca
- 902-209-9504
- Karen
- Sparrow
- (she/her)
- Inclusion Coach
- Sydney
- Ksparrow@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-1635
- Molly
- Staley
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sipekne'katik
- mstaley@nsecdis.ca
- (902) 830-3429
- Amy
- Steele
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Liverpool
- Asteele@nsecdis.ca
- 902-803-3651
- Cathy
- Stewart
- Regional Administrative Assistant
- Dominion
- Cstewart@nsecdis.ca
- 902-849-3429
- Laura
- Stewart
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dartmouth
- lstewart@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-5876
- Ashly
- Sutherland
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Membertou
- Asutherland@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-7931
- Sheryl
- Sutherland
- (she/her)
- Developmental Interventionist
- Sydney
- Ssutherland@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-6873
- Jan
- Tetford
- (she/her)
- Inclusion Coach
- Sydney
- Jtetford@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-7390
- Esther
- Tse
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- On Leave
- Helen
- Vajda
- Developmental Interventionist
- Halifax
- Hvajda@nsecdis.ca
- 782-7740687
- Caitlin
- Van Oirschot
- (she/her)
- Inclusion Coach
- Antigonish
- Cvanoirschot@nsecdis.ca
- 902-318-2395
- Myrna
- Verge
- (she/her)
- Regional Administrative Assistant
- Kentville
- Mverge@nsecdis.ca
- 902-678-6111
- Wendy
- Wareham
- (she/her)
- Inclusion Coach
- Sydney
- Wwareham@nsecdis.ca
- 902-304-1741
- Sarah
- Weatherbee
- (she/her)
- Caseload Manager/ Community Liaison
- Sipekne'katik
- sweatherbee@nsecdis.ca
- 902-305-6546
- Zoie
- Denny-Julian
- Developmental Interventionist
- Eskasoni
- Zjulian@nsecdis.ca
- 902-307-2845
- Carrie
- Whalen
- Inclusion Coach
- Amherst
- Cwhalen@nsecdis.ca
- 782-773-4922
- Nicole
- Whyatt
- Developmental Interventionist
- Dartmouth
- Nwhyatt@nsecdis.ca
- 782-774-0712